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My Favorite Bible Verse

Devastating life experiences can make us feel like we are sifting through the smoldering rubble of what our life once was, trying to find anything of value.

At the end of the day, Jesus doesn’t count how many guests you had over for dinner, how many diapers you changed, or how many emails you answered at the office.

Waves of grief had been drowning the voice in her own soul for weeks. But today—this one horribly miserable day—her grief suddenly disappeared in the undertow of a massive wave of anger.

Printable Recipes

Homemade apple rings

Homemade Dried Apples

pancakes, crepe, pancake

Homemade Crepes

Sliced Lemon Fruit in Glass Picher

Homemade Lemonade


Printable Bookmarks

Because who DOESN'T need more bookmarks? These bookmarks were designed based off of my book Faith Unhindered and some of my favorite Bible verses and quotes!

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Faith Unhindered by Debbie Ashley Finding the freedom to trust God completely