Christmas: Simple Stories, Simple Joys
Today (one day late!) is Day 5 of our family’s Five Favorite Christmas stories. Sometimes in the rush of getting everything ready for our own families, it is easy to forget the many children who do not have a family to come home to during the holiday season. We have several friends who have made it a part of their family life to take in foster children and, in many cases, to adopt them permanently. The needs of foster children are great, and today’s story brings special attention to this need.
The Shoe Box, by Francine Rivers, is a touching story about Timmy, a foster child who is adjusting to a new life with a new family. He works hard to adapt to a new school and even new family traditions he has never experienced before. But no matter where he goes, he carries a shoe box with him. And whenever someone asks him what is inside, his reply is “Just things”.
As Christmas approaches, Timmy asks if he can play the part of a wiseman, to which the teacher eagerly agrees (even though he already has three boys playing this part). On the evening of the Christmas program, Timmy, who is normally shy, seems excited about his wiseman role in his first Christmas program. His foster parents, teachers and others come to cheer him on that evening. The surprise ending to this story leaves the reader in awe at the lesson Timmy taught everyone in his own simple way.
For the past 26 years, my husband (who is a pastor) has read a story to the children at our church’s Christmas Eve service. This year, for the first time, he will not be able to do this in person due to the covid-19 virus impact. However, he was able to record the reading of this story for the children to view online. Though the tradition will look and feel different, we are still glad to be able to share another favorite Christmas story with them. Merry Christmas to you as well – and may you find a good book to read under your Christmas tree this year!

Hello! I’m Debbie — Lover of Jesus, Pastor’s Wife, Mom, Encourager, Hobby Gardener and passionate about the simple pleasures of life.
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