A Bible Reading Goal for 2022
My 2021 journey took me down the path of accepting the challenge to publish my first book. My book, Faith Unhindered: Finding the Freedom to Trust God Completely, was released just this week! I am amazed at how much this writing journey has stretched me in many positive ways.
Looking ahead at 2022, my desire to continue to write has led me to a new kind of writing goal this year. Reading the Bible has been an important part of my life for many years and a habit I have intentionally developed. However, the methods and tools I use to read the Bible change, and often a new year provides the perfect time to begin a new Bible reading plan.
I know many people who have made it a habit to read through the Bible in a year. I wish I could say I have had success with this, but I have not. I have found that I prefer to meditate on smaller portions of Bible verses rather than reading through large passages in one sitting. This often results in my getting behind, until I am unable to catch up on the reading plan-and then I give up.
For 2022, I have made it my goal to do a survey of the Bible with a specific emphasis on its examples, principles and teachings on prayer. If I survey one large book of the Bible or two small books of the Bible each week, with a psalm or two added as additional reading, I will have taken a complete journey through God’s word in a year, with a clear goal in mind, at a pace I think (I hope!) I can manage.
With my reading will come writing, which I plan to turn into a weekly downloadable devotional on the theme of prayer from the Biblical readings for that week. I am writing for my own accountability and enrichment, but I also hope to share this with others who might be interested in participating in this Bible survey.
If you would like to receive these weekly devotionals on prayer and have not already subscribed, you can use the “email subscribe” option here on my website – or use the contact form to send me a message and I will add you to the weekly email list. It would be great to have you take this journey with me in 2022!
Hello! I’m Debbie — Lover of Jesus, Pastor’s Wife, Mom, Encourager, Hobby Gardener and passionate about the simple pleasures of life.