I have made the lord god my refuge - Psalm 73:28

5 Promises To Carry You Through

The news has been full of storms in recent weeks. Hurricanes, wars, economic stress, and more can generate fears that grow to overwhelming proportions. How can we weather these storms and come through with a faith that is still strong?

The writer of Psalm 73 also faced some storms. He gives an honest description of where he finds himself in the troubles of his life. He knows God is good (verse 1), but his feet have stumbled. He is confused by the apparent success of the wicked, while he seems to be following God in vain. But he doesn’t allow his mind to dwell there. He comes back to what he knows to be true about God. And in this he finds great comfort.

The world is full of reasons to be anxious or afraid. But God is greater than anything in this world, and He wants us to find our confidence in Him. Consider these five promises about God that are still true for us today. And when you feel anxious or afraid, say these promises out loud, affirming to yourself that God is indeed trustworthy!

Promise #1: I can be sure of the presence of God.
“I am continually with you; you hold my right hand” (verse 23)

Promise #2: I can be sure of the counsel of God.
“You guide me with your counsel…” (verse 24)

Promise #3: I can be sure of the strength of God.
“…God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” (verse 26)

Promise #4: I can be sure of the nearness of God.
“…it is good to be near God…” (verse 28)

Promise #5: I can be sure of the refuge of God.
“…I have made the Lord God my refuge…” (verse 28)

A refuge is a place of safety apart from the storm. There is no better place to be than in the refuge of God’s presence. Though the storms may rage around you, in Him you are truly safe!

Debbie Ashley

Hello! I’m Debbie — Lover of Jesus, Pastor’s Wife, Mom, Encourager, Hobby Gardener and passionate about the simple pleasures of life.

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